Palmetto Report

US Census 2020 underway this month



(Rock Hill, S.C.) -- Research by the U.S. Census Bureau shows that over a million children were undercounted during the last census in 2010 and minorities and homeless populations were at a greater risk of being miscounted. The 2020 census begins nationwide this month and the U.S. Census Bureau is working to get an accurate count of every person in local communities, especially those from diverse backgrounds. An accurate count is essential as the resulting data determines congressional representation, federal funding and the locations of new hospitals, roads and schools. “The census is important for multiple reasons, the first being that it’s mandated in the U.S. Constitution that we conduct a census or a count of our population every 10 years,” said Lindy Studds, a media specialist with the U.S. Census Bureau who was a guest on the Palmetto Report. “The real importance I think boils down to two things which is political power and money.”