#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

Aligning With Negative Energy & Code of Ethics



Code of Ethics - It's also common when you are developing your abilities sometimes to see things about other people. Some good and some not so good. In this class I also talk about what to do with this information once you receive it. Negative Energy - When you are learning to work with your abilities, it's important to learn how "not to" align with negative energies because it can be a natural and even easy connection to make. This means it can happen to anyone who's developing their abilities. But it can cause a lot of issues. However, there are simple ways to avoid doing this. COVERED TOPICS: Code of Ethics: Receiving uncomfortable or sensitive messages. What vibration are you aligning with? The effects messages can have on other people.Overstepping your spiritual boundaries to give a message to someone who hasn't asked or request the information.The effects on people when they see a reader who aligns with lower vibrations.Working with cross over energy or people who have passed. Gifts/Correct or Incorr