Talking With Painters

Ep 88: Peter O’Doherty and ‘The distance between us’



Since episode 87 the world has changed. Those huge changes to our whole society and way of life, brought about by the threat of COVID-19, have coincided with the opening of Peter O'Doherty's show at King Street Gallery on William, prophetically called 'The distance between us'. I was planning to film a short video at the opening, asking Peter about his show, but this instead turned into a phone interview which I decided to post as an episode. In addition to his show we also talk about the impacts of the virus both on the visual arts and music industries. This interview was recorded on Thursday 19 March and posted on 23 March and a lot had changed in the intervening 4 days including the temporary closing of the doors of King Street Gallery on William. The show is still online and you can see it here . My goal in the next weeks and months is to keep us connected by continuing to bring you the stories of Australian painters through the podcast and social media. If you haven't already you can c