Sweat Elite

Sam Parsons (Tinman Elite)



"Coach said: "Do you know why we aren't doing a tempo run today? When you do a tempo run, guess what you do? You get locked into the same shitty form that I don't want you to run in right now. You're training for a 5km and a 1500m. When you're training for those races, I want you on your toes. I want you feeling good, I want your chest up, I want your arms back. If I give you ten four minute reps, you're going to rest and you're going to attack going into each one of those reps. You're going to get in that stride that I want you to be in today. If I give you a 6-mile tempo run, you're going to lock into 5 minute (mile) pace, get on your heels, hunch over by the end of it and you're going to look like shit. You're going to feel great because you did that last mile in 4:55, but it's not going to be accomplishing what I want you to accomplish today. You're going to be firing a totally different muscle group that I want you to be firing today." At that moment, I realised that I just needed to shut up and trust hi