Seth Goldstein Reporting

Out d’Coup Extra | Seth Goldstein Interviews Ben Yagoda about Journalists and the Press in the Trump Era



Originally from Aug. 30 2017 Tonight, we’re bringing you the first ever Out d’Coup Extra interview by one of our contributing writers, Seth Goldstein. Seth is also our awesome tech guy that has more freaking energy than you can imagine and keeps Raging Chicken up and running. Today, Seth will be interviewing Ben Yagoda, a writer and journalism professor at the University Delaware. Seth talks to Yagoda about his perspective on the Trump presidency and the role of journalism and the journalist during this “unpresidented” political era. If you like this podcast and all the pull-no-punches, progressive media we do at Raging Chicken Press consider becoming a member of Raging Chicken for as little at $5/month! Simply go to and look for the Support and Membership tab. Click “Become a member” and you’re on your way. Not ready to become a member? No problem. You can make a one-time donation by clicking “Donate.” We need you - the progressive community - to help us deep