

This weeks Podcast is very emotion and really not for my regular listeners. But if you are facing putting a pet down and are unsure...have a listen. My constant companion, my baby girl of 15 years left us yesterday to run again in heavens dog parks. Until we got her and became ‘those’ pet parents I hadn’t really understood the love and connection an animal brings to a life. Even though I had pets as a child I was raised with the belief they were just animals without a soul. Oh how wrong I was. My heart hurts beyond belief today. She went everywhere with us. No one knew us that didn’t know her. She was wrapped up in a fur body. I just want another day, another week but I know it never would have been enough. She could run like the wind at 2 so watching her daily try to stand and not have accidents was so hard. But she was happy right until the end. She gave me the happiest day in months yesterday while we walked in the sun., visited neighbours to say goodbye and got loved all over. I know s