Nonprofit Jenni Show

S5E11 How to Hire Great Nonprofit Staff



You need to hire someone quickly who is well-qualified, can get along with the rest of your team, and feels passionately about your mission. The nonprofit hiring process can be extremely stressful or extremely exciting, depending on how well you prepare. This week on the Nonprofit Jenni Show, our guests share their tips for hiring your next great staff member. First we chat with Rhea Wong, a former nonprofit Executive Director and current consultant (plus a fellow podcaster!), who shares her personal experiences with hiring staff at a small nonprofit organization. She also talks about the book “Who: The A Method for Hiring” by Geoff Smart and Randy Street, which helps her clients objectively evaluate job candidates instead of simply hiring the person they feel acts the friendliest during the interview process.   Then we hear from Chan Sheppard, the Executive Director of Preston Taylor Ministries, for another perspective on hiring. Chan works for a faith-based organization, which adds another layer of complica