Saunders & Cash

S2 E32 SBA Provides More Than Loans To Small Businesses



For this podcast we invited Wayne Bell, the local director of the Small Business Administration to the show to learn more about the programs available at the SBA. Wayne Bell has been the local director at the SBA for 12 years. The SBA is a part of robust ecosystem for entrepreneurs in Kansas and across the nation. With the SBA entrepreneurs has an opportunity to use a number of programs that help to strengthen the local and national economy. Small businesses contribute over half of all jobs in the economy. Listen in and find out all of the programs, workshops, loan programs, referrals to approved banks and a number of services that help support the growth and development of local businesses. For example, right now you might want to know more about disaster assistance.  SBA works with a wide range of partners including the Small Business Development Centers, typically at local universities, SCORE and groups like NetWork Kansas. Anyone who wants to get started in business can go to SBA.Gov for help with creatin