Kawaii Five-0: The Podcast

The Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Episode



WELCOME TO SPOILER TOWN!! [THE MOMENT YOU HEAR THE ANIME DROP SPOILERS ABOUND!] In this episode of Kawaii Five-0 we get into the iconic mecha anime that is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann! Before we get drill towards the heavens, the hosts talk about life and Alex explains how weird Seattle is during the COVID outbreak, comparing it to living in an anime. They also announce that the next show during a sports anime tangent about Diamond no Ace and that anime will be Lisa's favorite Run With the Wind! Thanks for listening and be sure to subscribe and rate the podcast! Follow us on Twitter: Alex, LisaWe have a Kofi!YoutubeDiscord: https://discord.gg/CBQYeTj