Joel 2 Generation Podcast

Dealing with 'Problem Verses' about Healing



I find it interesting that non-Charismatic Christians seem to know each and every verse, no matter how obscure, in the Scriptures that ‘seem to teach’ that somehow God isn't as interested in healing as we would contend. I was like that for years. I had my "ammunition" verses to fight off my more Charismatic friends' arguments. Funny, how I completely ignored the DOZENS of passages that completely contradicted my understanding of God and His willingness to heal today. One of the key verses in the arsenal is 2 Timothy 4:19 - This verse has been cited by people for years as some kind of evidence that healing isn't always God's will. In this podcast, I am going consider this oft-quoted verse. What's incredible to me is how much can be 'read into' a verse (called eisegesis) or passage that simply isn't there. I discovered that while I was doing this podcast and meditated on this verse.