Trc:365 With Phillip Cooper

TRC:365 Episode 7th: "Knock, Knock"



We recently experienced severe weather throughout the Chicago-land, northwest Indiana, and Kentucky area, which mean's you may encounter a high volume of storm chasers or local contractor's stopping by. We discuss a few of the best practices when dealing with door to door solicitation and the insurance restoration. 1. Understand the power of the door. The door separates you from signing any document you are not prepared for or understand.  Do you know most insurance agencies allow 1 to 2 years to file a claim, unless you have serious damage or noticeable issues that require immediate restoration.  2. Understand it is common for most contractor's to provide free estimates or inspections without requiring a signed contract's/form such as an "AOC." We advise signing these if you understand the entire document and/or comfortable with the contractor.  The biggest bit of advice is trust your gut. As in any activity or service you hire, you should be confident in your decision. If you're not comforta