Bodybuilding AND Fitness JOKES! SUPER FUNNY!



Did you hear about the weightlifting vegetable? He was a muscle sprout. What does a bodybuilder do for cardio? He lifts weights faster. What do you call terrorist that's ripped? Osama Bin Liftin. I don't always take a rest day but when I do, It's to give the weights a day off. Why did the blonde get a perm? Because her trainer said curls might help. What does leg day and sex have in common? When done right you can't walk for days. Why couldn't the bodybuilder get evicted? Because he was squatting. What happened when the bodybuilder brought a lion to the gym? He got ripped to shreds. I asked a bodybuilder "Do you need to eat eggs to get jacked?" He said "No Whey!" Why do hamburgers go to the gym? To get better buns. What does a bodybuilder think before he deadlifts? Don't Fart....Don't Fart..... Why did the fish stop lifting weights? He pulled a mussel. --- Support this podcast: