Lamb of Pod

S3E2 - "Where's the Carrie Underwood?"



HEYO We're back for episode two. This just in, Kyle still mouth breathes into the mics. I can only do so much, I'm trying. Chris HATES the band HATEBREED. Not sure where it came from. Shoutout AJ from Skinslip. We love 80's high pitched screams. Thanks for making us talk about Dragonforce and power metal. Chris also hates black metal. He hates everything. Shoutout Saboton, we don't really know you, but shout out. Devon loves inception, and really loves Hans Zimmer. We are all equally afraid of the nightmare machine / apprehension engine. Kyle wants to see Smashmouth so so so bad. Devon, hates blues traveller. We talk about the funny video of Sugar Ray reacting to someone shouting "sugar gay!" Chris and Kyle love the Oh Sleeper Dallas Cowboys song. Devon, will hang himself if he has to hear it ever again. Where's the Carrie Underwood? Google had the best and most sad super bowl commercial there ever was. What was YOUR favorite ex scenie weenie trend? Devon loved the iheartboobies bracelets. Ch