Uu Church Of Kent Ohio

Answering the Call of Love



Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay Sunday , February 2, 2020 Led by Rev. Christie Anderson and Worship Associate Randy Bish “Hate cannot drive out hate, only light can do that. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only love can do that.” This proclamation by Dr. Martin Luther King calls on us to employ unconditional love when trying to build bridges with those who hold values that oppose our own strongly held beliefs. We will explore true stories of incredible transformation resulting from the bestowing of love, rather than angry words or facts. Love is more than a cliché. It is a powerful force for social change if we have the strength and skills to manifest it. Speakers today were Rev. Christie Anderson, Randy Bish, Brad Bolton, and Hal Walker. Sunday morning services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 with nursery care available during both services.