Kawaii Five-0: The Podcast

Keep Your Hands Off My Seasonals



There is a naked man inside all of us!  On this episode of Kawaii Five-0 the hosts talk a little about life and of course breakdown the newest episode of My Hero (minor spoilers) and the end of the Overhaul arc! Then they get into anime time! Audio drop and all! Lisa and Alex talk about their 5 favorite winter 2020 anime so far including: Dorohedro, Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken, Toilet-bound Hanako-kun, In/Spectre, and Somali and the Forest Spirit to give you some insight on some seasonal anime to watch! If you like the podcast please rate and review we really appreciate it! Follow us on Twitter: Alex, LisaWe have a Kofi!Youtube: SoonDiscord: https://discord.gg/CBQYeTj