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Erin Clark: Nursing Institute for Healthcare Design (E8)



Erin Clark RN, MS, EDAC has been a nurse for 13 years and has a background in a variety of clinical settings including critical care, acute care, ambulatory care and home health nursing. Erin earned a graduate degree in Nursing Leadership and Healthcare Design and works as a project manager handling operations and transitions planning for organizations moving into new hospitals across the US. Erin Serves as the marketing and communications board member of the Nursing Institute for Healthcare Design (NIHD), an organization striving to engage and integrate clinical expertise into the planning and design of healthcare environments. NIHD is not only focused on large healthcare facilities. They are all about leadership, education, and advocacy for nursing leadership and the role they play in collaboration for healthcare design and construction in all types of environments; micro-hospitals, clinics, senior living communities, rural healthcare, wellness practitioners, and the list goes on. Visit www.rheamader.com