Nonprofit Jenni Show

S5E8 How to Host Better Events, Part One



Hosting a nonprofit event sounds easy...until you actually do it! There are a million little pieces that have to come together for the big day, and I wanted to talk about all of them. There was so much great information in my interviews this week that I have to break this episode into two parts. In Part One, we’ll talk about how you can improve your next fundraising event with donor data and how to welcome newcomers who are attending their first event with you. Our first guest is Timi Paccioretti, the Senior Marketing Manager of Little Green Light. LGL is my favorite donor management platform, and Timi gives advice on how to use your donor management system to improve your events. She shares tips about segmenting your target audience, capturing event attendee information, tracking event outcomes, and more. Next, we chat with Holly Clark, a seasoned nonprofit events planner and owner of Holly Clark Events. Holly walked me through the details of how to plan and coordinate three very different types of nonprofit