Phd (in Progress) Podcast | Education, Career, Life

PhD 011: 3 Topics in Dating and Maintaining Relationships in Grad School



Click here to subscribe and rate us in iTunes | Or Subscribe on Stitcher What dating challenges and mistakes do grad students face? How do you start dating as a graduate student? Should you using online dating services? How can you maintain a relationship while in grad school? This week we discuss having a love life as a grad student. After a long discussion, we only end up scratching the surface! We'll be sure to return to this broad subject. Have you ever searched for love in the liquor store? Dating: Online vs Offline Relationship Sharing interests Complementing traits and interests Intellectual intimidation Let us know what you'd like to hear more in depth. (If you are a bear or a lumberjack, Kelly would also like to hear from you) Comment at E-mail us Interact with us on Twitter @PhDPodcast or Reddit /u/PhDPodcast , /r/gradschool   *Sorry for the audio quality. I'm working on making it better! -J