Phd (in Progress) Podcast | Education, Career, Life

PhD 012: Tools, Tips, and Strategies to Increase Your Productivity (Part 1)



Click here to subscribe and rate us in iTunes | Or Subscribe on Stitcher This week Jason, Nikhil, and Kelly discuss productivity resources that have worked for them in their graduate studies. For more information, visit our blog entry on Productivity Web Tools for Graduate Students. There is more information on Mendeley, Papers, Google Calendar, and Mint. Resources Mentioned and Recommended: Papers (€34 for students)  Mendeley (free) Google Calendar (free) Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day by Todd Henry (Jason personally endorses this book) Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey Creative Routines infographic by RJ Andrews Pomodoro Technique (Wikipedia): 25 minutes of work then 5 minutes "off" Lifehacker has a great article "Why You Should Keep a Journal and How to Start Yours" Coffitivity The white noise of a coffee shop! Also useful: Nickelback. We have