Authors Access

Victoria Strauss - Writers Beware: Warnings About the Schemes, Scams, and Pitfalls That Threaten Writers



Irene Watson and Victor R. Volkman spoke with fantasy genre author Victoria Strauss about her research and reports on businesses that defraud writers. Victoria is an active member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Victoria is Vice-Chair of the Committee on Writing Scams, and co-founder, with Ann Crispin, of Writer Beware, a publishing industry watchdog group that provides information and warnings about the many scams and schemes that threaten writers. She maintains the popular Writer Beware website). She received the Service to SFWA Award in 2009 for her work with Writer Beware. Among the topics we ranged: Alerts for Writers (misinformation, urban legends, bogus rumors)# Contests and Awards# Copyright# Electronic Publishing# Independent Editors and Manuscript Assessment Services# Literary Agents# Print-on-Demand Self-Publishing Services# Small Presses# Vanity and Subsidy Publishers# Vanity Anthologies# Writers Services