Art And Science Punks

Episode 76: Comparison and Social Posting



This week Kate and Rob discuss comparison, ups and downs in the social media spaces feeling like you measure up or feeling like you don't measure up. Also: what do we intend to change about our social posting. Also also: super fun to be back even though Kate had a sore throat when we recorded this! This week's art and science picks: one is a tough looking puzzle, the other is a very flexible tool and environment for solving all kinds of problems. Goal Planning Workshop and Workbook Now Available You know goal planning is worth doing and you want a flexible system that can grow and change with you. The Where Next Journal is a goal planning system that helps you create a concise future story that describes your year ahead with passion, purpose and clarity. Get the free 10 page version or the full 30 page version with extra guidance, warm ups, and additional activity: this link includes the time-limited discount code "artandsciencepunks" for a special 50% off: Where Next Journal (printable PDF) (https://gumroad.