Fresh Bread: Your Kingdom Come (1-18) - By Raymond Mccullough

Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 15 (WHM 10) – NEWSFLASH - America is gone!



Episode fifteen in the series: NEWSFLASH around the world!  An all-out nuclear strike on America? The debt is called in.  Who will initiate this attack? Where will it come from? Star Wars and HAARP of no avail! Will the President and top government and military personnel be drunk when it happens? --------------------   With music from:  Searson (Ontario, Canada) – 'E&C', (Live);   Low Country Boys (Co. Down, Northern Ireland) – 'Sweet Rivers', (  Plain an Simple );   Máire Brennan (Co. Dublin, Ireland) – 'Heal This Land', ( Perfect Time).   Produced by Precious Oil Productions Ltd for Kingdom Come Trust