Fresh Bread: Your Kingdom Come (1-18) - By Raymond Mccullough

Fresh Bread 2: Your Kingdom Come 24 (WHM 17) – The 1,000 year reign of Messiah



Episode 24 in the series: The 1,000 years will begin when the Messiah’s foot touches the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Before he arrives, he will gather all of his people, dead and still alive (the first resurrection), from the four corners of the earth.  We will all be changed “in the twinkling of an eye” into immortal bodies, and we will accompany him as he arrives. The Messiah will go to war and totally wipe out all those armies (millions of men, from all of the nations), who have assembled against him. He will present his bride (his followers, the 'body of Messiah') to himself, “pure and spotless, without wrinkle or blemish” and celebrate a great “wedding feast of the Lamb” with his people. He will host an award ceremony, the 'judgement seat of Christ,' where the faithful will be rewarded for what they have done.  Some will be made rulers over several cities, some over a few – depending on what 'treasure in heaven' they stored up while on earth. He