Imperial College Podcast

Podcast: Baby brains, new Mars quests and preventing pandemics



In this edition: We discover treatments for baby brain injuries, see what’s new on Mars for 2020 and find out how to prevent pandemics. News: Doctor burnout and Sun discoveries – We discuss a study showing a surprising number of doctors suffer from emotional exhaustion, and discover new insights into the Sun from a spacecraft that has flown closer to our star than ever before. Reducing baby brain injuries – We explore projects testing treatments for brain injuries in babies in the developing world, including a new study looking at 70,000 new mothers in India. What’s new on Mars? – We find out about two new missions to Mars launching in 2020, as well as catch up on what missions already on the Red Planet are up to. Preventing pandemics – Does the rising problem of antimicrobial resistance mean we’re heading for an unstoppable pandemic? We find out some ways we can all prevent the spread of disease.