Customer Equity Accelerator

Ep. 75 | Retail Reimagination with Forbes Contributor Steve Dennis



This week Forbes contributor and regular keynote speaker, Steve Dennis, joins Allison Hartsoe in the Accelerator. Steve has witnessed first-hand the reimagination of retail from his former senior executive roles at Sears and Nieman Marcus.  Steve describes the combination of forces affecting modern retail from scarcity to the power of digital measurement to customer lifetime value. Steve breaks down what’s working for retailers who will success (and those who won’t). Steve believes, “Retail is not dead. Boring retail is dead.”    Please help us spread the word about building your business’ customer equity through effective customer analytics. Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Play, Alexa’s TuneIn, iHeartRadio or Spotify. And do tell us what you think by writing Allison at or Thanks for listening! Tell a friend! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit