Ward On The Go

Why The Natural Progression Level Up



For 1 year I created podcast Episodes strictly for self-care and stress management. I never wanted to publish it because I thought who would listen to someone like me. (Imposter Syndrome) . Fast forward 2 years later my podcast has listeners in 10 different countries, I'm booked for gigs in and out the country and DMs from a Community of people I never knew needed the same Self Care Message. . To serve in this way is still shocking and sometimes I still can't believe I'm in this position. 2 Months Ago I was let go from my 9-5 (such a blessing). That Experience released me to serve passionately and Podcast with a Purpose. . I’m working with a curated group of people who are READY to cultivate their message, build their confidence, and Crush their imposter syndrome in my new Start My Podcast: Confidence Course. . There are 5 spots left in this 5-week online journey which begins Monday, Nov 4th. If you are hearing the call, drop an “I Want This” on my Instagram @chriswardjr in the comments and I’ll send you more