Quit Your Day Job With Dan Brophy

Kirk Docker Makes Game-Changing Documentary Content



2016 has been a 'tipping point’ year for documentary maker and content creator Kirk Docker. After years of producing clever and subversive video and TV as a gun for hire, he has championed his own projects, making not one but two series for ABC. Earlier this year ‘Hello Stranger’, a beautifully shot vox-pops series, asked everyday Australians personal yet universal questions and then followed one of them home to document their life. This was followed by the release of 'You Can’t Ask That’, where in each episode, groups of marginalised Australians - like Indigenous people, transgender people, Muslims, obese people, disabled people and sex workers - answer audience-submitted questions traditionally deemed too un-PC. The intention: to de-stigmatise, to open a space for conversation and to give mainstream audiences a chance to see someone other than those that look just like them on TV.  It’s interesting to note also that You Can’t Ask That was originally created for