O-Town Dreamers

Episode 4 - Sing For Me! Calling All Vocalists



What happens when you get four vocalists in a room to talk about singing? Usually it's non-stop riffing, but on this episode of O-Town Dreamers, two of our favorite resident Orlando singers chat with us about vocal health, training, abilities, experiences, and address the concerns of auditioning and how to work through that comparison bug that bites all performers from time to time. Join myself and Sage as we talk with Anthony Gargiula and Will Scott about moving to Orlando and how their careers have blossomed. We play a fun TRUTH or LIE game, figuring out which gig horror story is true or false, as well as hear some useful tips on keeping your vocal chords healthy and warm! Of course, thank you to Pilar's Martini Bar in Winter Garden, Florida for hosting us!  https://www.pilarsmartini.com Mentioned: @anthonygargiula @willascottmusic