National Gallery of Australia | Audio Tour | The National Sculpture Prize and Exhibition 2005

Juliana BARTULIN, Barcelona devotional 2003



My work usually results from a direct and labour-intensive process. Meditative process and tracing the time of creating the work are integral to an idea of direct experience, of being present, in the making and viewing scenarios. It could be termed ‘Slow Art’, in feeling the fullness of time in making, perhaps the work in turn slows down the viewer’s ‘normal’ experience of intersubjective time. To give oneself time seems gently subversive in a world that is continuing to speed up. Barcelona devotional was made in Barcelona during an Australia Council for the Arts residency. My research there included investigations into the use of pattern and repetition in both religious and secular works in light of an historical notion of mosaic work as a practice of paying tribute to the Muses (Protectors of the Arts) through a kind of devotional toil. This piece took the grid (mesh) as a starting point, which I saw as a metaphor for Barcelona as a prototypical urban centre. When folded, the grid becomes elliptical and su