National Gallery of Australia | Audio Tour | Home Sweet Home

Leo CUSSEN, Xena 2000



PF: This square, the text, and the black object are vying for attention, vying for story telling. Whose story is it here that we are looking at? What is the relationship of the so-called ‘dimension of television’; of these fake characters, in our own lives? All of these sort of dynamics played out as we see within the picture frame; we see this tension the object and the text. And this of course is a dialogue which has run right through painting and mark-making at the end of the twentieth century, so it’s an extraordinarily intellectual picture, yet at the same time it delivers a message coming out of the pop culture. And I think this sense of the relationship of the relationship of the pop culture to the ‘high’ culture is something which has certainly interested me, and as I look back at this collection I can see it sort of coming through in so many of the works that are on display here.