Eat This! Drink That!

Hospital Food gets a makeover



Dr. Brian Goldman and CHEO's Bernice Wolf talk Hospital Food with host Hugh Kruzel.   Dr. Goldman is an emergency physician plus an author, and public speaker.  He has a knack for making medicine understandable as well as improving patient awareness of options and opportunities.  His "White Coat, Black Art" radio program appears on CBC weekly .  He tackles topics that need addressing, and has his finger on the pulse for calls for change in how healthcare is delivered in Ontario and across Canada.  It is my belief Dr. Goldman would push legislators, administrators, and us to imagine possibilities and to embrace best practices. Bernice Wolf is "... a registered dietitian and the Director of Food and Marketed Services at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) in Ottawa. She has worked in healthcare in northern Saskatchewan, community and large acute care facilities in Ontario. Bernice is an innovator in patient, family and customer satisfaction by implementing the first Room S