Rainbow Soul

The Cyberspace Sanctuary



Junious Ricardo Stanton returns the favor and welcomes writer, whistelblower, entrepreneur and investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts back to the Cyberspace Sanctuary. Ms Fitts is the former Managing partner of Dillion Read and Co. an influential Wall Street investment banking firm, she also served as Undersecretary for Housing and Urban Development during the first Bu$h administratons. She is a much sought after guest on alternative media. Catherine is the founder and president of Solari Inc and publisher of the Solari Report an eclectic  weekly digest of wide ranging information from a enlightened humanitarian point of view. Catherine shares how she first discovered the US elites' genocidal plans for African-Americans. During their broad ranging conversation Junious and Catherine chat about current events,the shadow economy, debate whether the global elite are psychopaths or aliens and discuss the power of spiritual warfare as the most viable option to thwart and defeat the New World Order agenda.