Rainbow Soul

Sacred Places with Bethelle Jay - Synastry w/ Carmen from Written in the Stars



Tune into Sacred Places with Bethelle Jay on the BlakeRadio Network, Rainbow Soul on Sunday, March 25th.  Today's episode will air at 5:00 p.m EST.  Call in at 914-338-0695 to ask your synastry questions please ask about specific aspect or recieve a mini reading on your love. www.blakeradio.com, Rainbow Soul. Tune in! Sacred Places is hosted weekly by Bethelle Jay, student of life and the spiritual path. Join her as she meets with various guests on their spiritual journey guided to us as instructors and advisors. Within this community the goal is to use the collective energy to strength our community as we go about our individual journies. Life is moving fast, change is coming swiftly we need this Sacred Place to come back to when things feel overwhelming.  Tonight I will speak with Carmen from Written in the Stars on synastry. Synastry is taking two astrology charts to see how they 'get along' astrologically speaking. What to look for when you are comparing two charts both positive and negative.  Car