Brandman Speaks

Ep. 10 – Judy Matthews speaks on deported veterans



Dr. Judy Matthews, an assistant professor of psychology for Brandman University’s School of Arts and Sciences, wants to raise awareness about the plight of deported veterans in Mexico, many of whom have left families behind in the U.S. An estimated 10,000 to 30,000 veterans have been deported after serving while legal residents of the U.S. What might be a misdemeanor (a DIU, marijuana possession, passing a bad check) under state law becomes an aggravated felony in immigration law and grounds for deportation. In this podcast of Brandman Speaks, Matthews talks about how and why she got involved. More Brandman Speaks podcasts can be on iTunes. Additional resources can be found below . Veterans Without Borders Facebook page Soldiers with a nation: This Veteran’s Day, Remember Our Deported Soldiers Two languages Una Voz: Left behind: Group wants deported veterans returned to U.S. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the classroom