Rated G For Gore

Dark Crystal + "?" = Dark Void



In this 20th episode special, The Microscopic Miner Men turn their headlamps upon The Dark Crystal, combining it with a low budget cosmic horror classic.Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterCheck out Lucas Gerow's SoundCloud, the man behind the new music. Thanks, Lucas.Check out Jace Diehl's Instagram, the man behind the podcast's artwork.Send us an email at RatedGforGore@gmail.com with suggestions for how we can improve and movies you want to hear us cover.This is a home-grown, organic podcast, and the only way we can grow is with your help! Share your favorite episodes with your friends and family. Start playing an episode loudly during holiday get togethers and scream at anyone who tells you to turn it off. Or something like that.Spoilers for the episode follow:Check out more on The Dark CrystalCheck out more on The Void