Feel The Bern

02.22.2019 - Attack of the Pwned



Washington Post 4 Op-Eds since Tuesday attacking Bernie – owned by Jeff BezosAmazon - $11B in earnings, $0 in taxes https://www.vox.com/2019/2/20/18231742/amazon-federal-taxes-zero-corporate-income528 – “Never Hillary” Article claims 25% of Bernie’s voters merely voted against Hillary.Notes that these voted against her twice in primary and general (or didn’t vote in gen) https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/bernie-sanders-was-helped-by-the-neverhillary-vote-what-does-that-mean-for-his-chances-now/“Roughly one-quarter of Sanders’s support in Democratic primaries and caucuses in 2016 came from #NeverHillary voters: people who didn’t vote for Clinton in the 2016 general election and who had no intention of doing so. (The #NeverHillary label is a little snarky, but it’s also quite literal: These are people who never voted for Clinton despite being given two opportunities to do so, in the primary and the general election.)”Let me explain why that happened: Debbie Wasserman ShultzHillary’s racism assault on Bernie