Cook With Me

S2E39: Napoleon Dynamite



Recipe: Portabello, Eggplant, Heirloom Tomato & Mozzarella Napoleons (Feeds 2)Get full ingredient lists Sunday mornings, plus calorie and macronutrient counts for all CWM recipes, on my Patreon page!For tonight's recipe, you'll need:EQUIPMENT: 2x bowls, lg pan, cutting board, sharp knife, oven tray, aluminum foil, can openerBASICS: olive oil, salt, pepperPRODUCE: 2 Roma tomatoes, 1 heirloom tomato, 1 cup basil leaves, 1 eggplant, 2 portabello mushroom caps, 1 red onionDAIRY: 1 lb mozzarella or 1/2 lb burrataCANS & BOTTLES: 1 sm can tomato sauce