Dine & Dish With Dawn

7: Dine & Dish with Phillip Phillips at the Capital One Cafe



“She encouraged me by listening to me.” (Phillip Phillips about his wife’s encouragement and the power of listening) A few weeks ago, I attended the Listen In event at the Capital One Cafe in Santa Monica for a truly 360-degree listening experience, which included a remote podcast taping of Dine And Dish With Dawn (sponsored by Capital One) - my show where we eat, drink, share stories...and, desserts. According to the Capital One Listen In Survey, nearly 1 in 5 Americans (18%) can’t remember the last time someone was completely focused on listening to them, which means that programs like Capital One’s can help you open your ears and minds to what people have to say. For Capital One, it helps them better understand how to help along their financial journey. And, truth talk – I was wearing mismatching earrings the whole evening...but, more on that later. Over Peet’s coffee and delicious locally sourced treats a la Capital One local partnerships, Phillip and I chatted about the food that excites us, the moments