Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Matthew 27:45-56 "Christ and the Curtain" [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



Jesus willingly endured the suffering and went to the cross because of His love for the Father and His love for all those who would believe on His name. The death of Jesus was a monumental event not just in the timeline of redemptive history, but in its physical effect on the earth itself. How could the physical world NOT be affected by the death of its Creator? When Jesus’ body was torn on the cross, the curtain was torn in the temple. When His body was broken on the cross, the rocks were broken in the ground. The grave that held dead people in and the one who held the power of death itself (the Devil) would very soon have a new Master! When Jesus died, He killed death. The curtain was a constant reminder that sin makes us unfit for the presence of God. "Because of our sin, you can’t come in." But it was God who tore the curtain. So what does this mean? It's God who initiates a relationship with us (Eph 1). Christian: you have hope of new