Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Why Together [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



Notice the terms that Paul uses in the text about every Christian's identity: - no longer strangers or foreigners - fellow citizens with the saints - members of the household of God - joined together as a part of a holy temple whose cornerstone is Jesus - being built together in Him into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit God always designed Christians to participate in the life of the Church because Christians ARE the Church. You were not saved to be a lone-ranger Christian, on a spiritual island of just you and God, in isolation from other believers. You were saved out of your sin and into a family. Instead of seeing church life as just another ball to juggle in life (like kid's activities, job responsibilities, family schedules, leisure time, etc), it would be helpful to look at it as a wheel. The hub of the wheel is the starting point for every spoke in our life. You can’t drop your identity with the Church any more than you can drop your identity