Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Why We Baptize [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



The debates about baptism usually revolve around two things: 1. When should we baptize someone? and 2. How should we baptize them? Baptism is more than just getting wet - there's purpose behind it and purpose in it. In telling the story of the early church, Acts repeatedly ties Christian baptism to repentance and faith. In fact, in every case in the book of Acts, only those who’d already believed were baptized. This is why Baptists believe that the churches should only baptize believers. Does the mode of how we baptize really matter? 1. The original language. - the word baptizo means “to dip or immerse” 2. The consistency of Scripture. - Water was used - Acts 10:47-48 - Much water was necessary - John 3:23 - People came to the water - Acts 8:36 - People went down into the water - Acts 8:38 - People came up out of the water - Mark 1:9-10 & Acts 8:39 3. The clarity of its picture. - Romans 6:3-8 - It is our spiritual union with Christ that causes these benefits to come. It is a spi