Crack The Customer Code

Episode 001: Apple Store Lady, Jackie Huba, and Heathrow Airport



In this episode… Why customers are so frustrated An interview with Jackie Huba, author of Monster Loyalty: How Lady Gaga Turns Followers into Fanatics Customer Zero – Can you tell someone customer service is easy while giving bad customer service?   Why Are Customers so Frustrated? The Apple Store lady, as the media labeled her, is a lady that was extremely upset, slamming her hand on her baby stroller because her expectations were not met when arriving to the Apple store. In the video you can hear her shout, “I was told by Apple Care that I could walk in the store and get my part.” Jeannie and Adam weigh in on why she embodies how we all feel.  Jeannie shares that in any customer forum we see the same thing over and over “you promised” and a lot of what we as people want is to feel heard when the promise is not delivered. Discussion begins at 03:42.   Interview: Jackie Huba Jackie shares with us that she was inspired to write Monster Loyalty first because of Lady Gaga’s music. But after looking past her m