Crack The Customer Code

Episode 029: Insights from Top Customer Experience Pros



  Thanks to our sponsor, the Customer Experience Professionals Association! Please find more details about the CXPA for individual or corporate members.       What’s the Future of Customer Experience?     Before sharing the insights gathered from the customer experience leaders at the CXPA Insight Exchange, Jeannie challenged Adam with the same questions.     What is the future of customer experience? And why, after so many years of discussing customer experience as a priority, are so many organizations still getting it so wrong?     Will we have a better understanding of omnichannel? Will we figure out the right way to incentivize the right behavior? These are some of the questions Adam and Jeannie discuss.     Discussion begins at 1:25.     Insights from Customer Experience Leaders     While at the Customer Experience Professionals Association Insight Exchange, Jeannie asked several business leaders about their thoughts for the future of customer experience and the ways we’re still