Crack The Customer Code

Episode 030: Convenience, AT&T’s Diane Magers, and Department Stores



Is everyone driven by convenience? Diane Magers, from AT&T, discusses making change in a huge organization Why department stores need to catch up     How important is convenience for customers?   Determining how to make things easier and more convenient is all about understanding your customer’s real goals. And what about the impact on society if everything becomes TOO convenient?     Convenience is about offering choices. But what about business decisions that may have a negative impact on a small group of customers?     Discussion begins at 1:20.       Diane Magers, Office of the Customer, AT&T     Diane Magers has more than 20 years of building and growing CX focus.  Diane’s demonstrated leadership abilities helps organizations design and execute strategies to drive customer obsession with targeted business results.  Currently with   AT&T’s Office of the Customer, she is building and executing programs to drive change in their culture, systematically embed CX, and strategically drive CX i