Crack The Customer Code

051: Jobr and Hiring Innovation



Job seeking is a necessary process that we've all experienced but is there anything that can relieve the stress or helplessness of submitting your resume, as Jeannie puts it, “into the black void of eternity”?  With mobile marketplaces taking over a significant portion of the job market, the short answer is, yes. Today on the podcast we have an innovative Customer Hero, an app called Jobr. Jobr is based on the Tinder model of swiping left or right, and connects potential talent with employers seeking to build their company culture with like-minded, qualified individuals. The innovation of Tinder and other similar models is gaining footing in the mobile marketplace, especially with qualified millennials seeking employment. The way in which employers attract talent has a huge impact on recruitment methods and HR, and thus, on the type of talent that responds and business leaders are seeking talented employees who will deliver on their enterprise’s customer promise and will do so long term. This is easier to