Crack The Customer Code

054: Marilyn Suttle, Co-Author of Who's Your Gladys



Marilyn Suttle is an expert on customer service culture change and developing emotional intelligence to foster breakthrough success. Her book, Who’s Your Gladys, reveals key methods to change the psychology around handling difficult customers. What's a Gladys? A Gladys is a demanding customer who has high expectations and may pose a challenge for you or your team. Despite these potential difficulties, these customers can give valuable feedback or illuminate aspects of your service that may need to be revamped. We've all encountered a Gladys at one point or another, and the situation can be emotional. After all, your company is your baby and criticism can be difficult to hear. How can you and your team take in the experience in a constructive way? Marilyn suggests reminding yourself that hearing criticism is a necessary part of customer resolution. Examine the psychology of the situation. What triggers does this Gladys present that bother your team? Do they appear to be demanding or cold? Recognizing the jud