Crack The Customer Code

061: Why Customer Service Must Be Profitable



We all know that customer service is an essential aspect of customer experience can often be disconnected from profit. How can you improve customer experience while maintaining the health and profitability of your organization? Three Dimensional Customer Experience Everyone loves profit; the point of having customers is to have a viable, thriving organization or business. But the math behind how customers feel about your organization is often messy and doesn’t always make sense. It may be hard to judge why you have a high percentage of customers dropping off, and if you focus on the numbers alone you may miss the intuitive element of customer experience. You must take into account both the human, emotional aspect and the critical data when designing and delivering a customer experience strategy. “Identify the pressure points,” advise Adam and Jeannie, "and invest resources into the ones that matter, the ones that drive retention or defection." Bear in mind that these may become long term strategies. And it’