Sylvia Global

Gael Sylvia with Katie Orenstein of The OpEd Project



Founder and CEO of The OpEd Project, writes and speaks frequently about the intersection of media and mythology -- that is, what we think is fact or fiction and how that shapes our ideas about politics, culture and history. She has contributed to the op-ed pages of the New York Times, Washington Post and Miami Herald. Her commentaries on women, power, popular culture and human rights have been nationally syndicated. She has lectured at Stanford and appeared on ABC TV World News, Good Morning America, MSNBC, CNN and NPR All Things Considered. A graduate of Harvard (BA) and Columbia (MA) universities, she is the author of Little Red Riding Hood Uncloaked: Sex, Morality and the Evolution of a Fairy Tale, which explores stories told about women over 500 years and how they shape our lives today WATCH AT: