Sylvia Global

Epilepsy 101 - Part 3 (Disclosure)



Host, Aseneth, speaks with Susan Upchurch of the Epilepsy Foundation, San Diego, about epilepsy. What is it? How does it effect people's life? And other frequently asked questions.  Today's focus is on disclosure. When is appropriate or necessary to let people know that you have epilepsy. Do you need to tell your employer? How much do you need to disclose? Who else needs to know and how much do they need to know?  Hear what Susan has to say about you are required to disclose, what you should disclose, and what you can and maybe should hold back. Know what to expect from employees who disclose having an epileptic condition and how to respond to it.  Part 3 of a series Questions for Susan and Aseneth? Email them at Have a question for Susan that is time sensitive or confidential in nature? Contact her at