Sylvia Global

The Heart of a Young Lakota on "Bread & Roses w/ Delphine and Leigh Anne"



Young Lakota, a film directed and produced by Marion Lipschutz and Rose Rosenblatt premiered November 25, 2013 onIndependent Lens on PBS. In February 2006, South Dakota passed a law criminalizing abortion, making no exception for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. Cecelia Fire Thunder, the first female president of the Oglala Lakota nation on the Pine Ridge Reservation, proposed a women's health clinic to provide services to all local women. Sunny Clifford and her twin sister, Serena, joined Cecilia in the campaign for women's empowerment and reproductive sovereignty. Sunny Clifford discusses her experiences during the political upheaval, the long history of white men exerting control over Indigenous women's bodies, the lingering impact of colonization and intergenerational trauma, and her dreams for her first child.